
-Did you know ?

-Did you know that a cup of cold water in the morning activates the functions of the liver .


-Did you know ?

-Did you know that strawberries good for the heart, for it is one of the best antioxidants,
The food is rich in soluble fiber, and these fibers are working to reduce the rate of cholesterol in the blood,
And increase the efficiency of the circulatory system .


Did you know ?

Did you know that Apples :

-Rich in vitamin A and B vitamins (B1, B2 and D) - one of the best fruits and the greatest benefit - activates the intestines and struggling chronic constipation and diarrhea in children and kidney stones and ureters and bladder .

Removes uric acid - and ease the pain of fever and thirst - and concludes from acids and fat - and facilitates the secretion of saliva glands and the intestine and liver .

Stimulates the heart and relieves inflammation of the nerves and liver disease, heart pain and weakness protects blood vessels and teeth from decay and eliminates fatigue .

-Did you know ?

-Did you know that heart size varies from one person to another, as well as its dimensions. The average weight is 325 grams for men and the average weight for women is 245 grams, but varies with body size and weight .



-Did you know ?

-Did you know That drinking four or five cups of tea a day can reduce the risk of heart attack by up to 69  percent .



- Did you know ?

Did you know : strange and surprising that he cockroach , after inadvertent contact with human beings , rushing to his hideout to clean itself .



-Did you know ?

-Did you know that palpitations rate up to 72 beats per minute or 432 beats per hour or 37.8432 million per year .


-Did you know ?

-Did you know that the arteries of the human body has a length of 600,000 km .


- Did you know ?

 - Did you know that 13 seconds is the only index of chickens continued to fly yet .

of chickens


- Did you know ?

- Did you know that the rain water that comes from the clouds is the purest water species on earth, and after entering the atmosphere polluted by sulfur and exhaust component factories may be "acid rain ."

 مياه الأمطار


-Did you know ?

-Did you know that burning glass material produce enough energy to watch TV for three hours .



-Did you know ?

-Did you know that the elephant express their sorrow into tears, the reaction and his style is similar to Rose human act, namely tears, it is apparent that the elephants cry when sad, or when you lose one of their young, and to express her grief accompany those tears behavior similar to human actions; where reserves the bones their young after her death, the intensity of the grief.


-Did you know ?

-Did you know that chili has the highest possible proportion of vitamin «C» compared to all the other vegetables and fruits . 


Did you know ?

-Did you know that the retina contains about 135 million sensory cells responsible for capturing images and distinguish colors .


- Did you know ?

- Did you know that if you wrote in Google - zerg rush - then waited a bit, Google will eat the search page .